Lilith: Choice, Change, and Power
We’ve all heard the old stories. Adam was the first-made. Eve, the second. But there were always stories that said otherwise.
Stories of Lilith, made at the same time as Adam. Not second. The same.
The stories said Lilith was not content with firsts and seconds. When Adam insisted on control, rather than partnership, Lilith uttered the unutterable, and the power of that uttering changed everything.
Lilith uttered the unutterable and created the First Change. The First Change swirled and spun into the First Place. Disrupted the First Order. The First Change created the First Chaos.
Eve. Second-made. Created to restore Order. To support the creation of hierarchy. To populate the world. Eve arose with a purpose. In a place some called Paradise.
And, some say, one day while walking in Paradise Eve met Lilith. Lilith, who had returned to the garden in the guise of a snake, one who knows how to shed the skin. Lilith who had returned, disguised, with knowledge to share about Choice, its Power and its Price.
Wouldn’t you like to know how that conversation went?
Join Expanding Inward as we spiral into the mysteries of the First Change with Lilith, ask for their wisdom, and learn from their example.
Registration and Logistics
This intensive will take place March 22-25 2018 at Hollis Renewal Center in Kansas City, KS. There are camping opportunities on-site, and a block of rooms will be available at a nearby hotel for $82/night. Registration will begin at 12:00 noon, Central time on Friday, December 22nd, 2017
**Note: Early registration is available through January 22. Beginning January 23, minimum pricing will increase by $25.
Dates and Times:
Thu. March 22 6:30 - 10pm Dessert and beverages will be offered
Fri. March 23 9:30am - 10pm Continental breakfast, lunch, dinner and evening dessert will be offered
Sat. March 24 9:30am - 10pm Continental breakfast, lunch, dinner and evening dessert will be offered
Sun. March 25 9:30am - 12pm Continental breakfast will be offered
On-site camping in tents or with an RV is available for $5/night. You may register to camp by contacting the retreat center, Office: 913 441-0451 or
Email: [email protected]. Let them know you’re with the Expanding Inward group that weekend and want to camp.
There is a block of discounted rooms available for our group at the Super 8 hotel in Bonner Springs, KS for $82/night. The hotel is 10 minutes away from the retreat center. You may register under Expanding Inward for $82/night by calling 913-721-3877. You must book by March 1, 2018 to receive this group rate.
Please contact Robin at [email protected] if you are interested in sharing a room.
The closest airport is KCI. Please contact Robin if you need transportation to or from the airport. Note: For those traveling by plane, we will offer a shuttle service before and after the event for a nominal fee. For those using this service we will suggest arrival and departure parameters at a later date.